
An Icon of Absurdity Pineapple Lady

Maybe you thought the About page would be full of company credentials and terms-and-conditions and other useless information. Nope. This page exists to answer one question, and one question only.

Who, exactly, is Pineapple Lady? 

Excellent question! If you find out the answer, please let us know. We’ve been asking ourselves that for years

We don’t really even know where she came from—we just walked into the thrift store one day, and there she was in a picture frame, legs crossed and holding her fruity friend like the best stock-photo ever, waiting patiently for us to discover her. As for what she did in her past life, that’s up to us—you included—to decide. Some days, she’s the world’s leading collector of fronded fruits. Other times, she’s the Protector of the Prickly Prince, appointed by the Universal Alliance of Tropical Treats. And sometimes, she’s just an old lady who really likes pineapples. But no matter what, she is an icon of absurdity. An inspiration for imagination. The foundation for quirky conversations and silly speculation.

Our purpose is to help people embrace that silliness and quirk. To find inspiration and imagination. To discover the joy in outright absurdity. To bring a little Pineapple Lady in your life, and maybe even help you discover your own inner Pineapple Lady in the process. Because she is in there, somewhere—legs crossed, holding her fruity friend—waiting patiently for you to discover her.

Pineapple Lady Team

From left to right: Ben, Taz, Jay, Noah, Nate

Ben: The only one of us with actual business experience. Catch-phrase: "YOU BOOTY GOONS ALIVE?!"

Taz: Actual musician. Check him out HERE, or search IJAWO on Spotify/Soundcloud/YouTube. 

Jay: Future pediatrician. Random bush explorer. Owns 92% of the New Mexico turquoise market. 

Noah: Makes things. Allergic to sunlight. Future emergency medicine PA. 

Nate: ...We're honestly not sure what Nate does but it's something to do with construction and chicken tenders.


Not pictured but still incredibly important:

Joshua (Noah's brother), who wrote our About page. If you found it entertaining check out his website HERE. He also translates books, learns languages, and grows hair in his spare time (and helps we with our grammars)

All of our girlfriends/wives who put up with are an integral part of our shenanigans.

You for actually reading this far. Seriously. You're still reading? Go buy something! Here, get yerself somethin' nice with this discount code: ABOUTPL (Use at checkout. Only valid once per customer.)















...No there is nothing else here.




Like secrets and hidden treasure and stuff? Me too. Keep an eye on the instagram/website. Bet some neat things will end up hidden there in the future. Nobody knows about this... not even the other hooligans. -Noah

















Still nothing but I like your enthusiasm.